The aim of the research project K3 is to use an innovative crisis communication concept to improve communication in crises and thus to improve the assessment of the situation and to increase the reaction speed of aid organizations.

Content orientation and results:

The aim of the research project K3 is to improve the communication in crisis through an innovative crisis communication concept and thus to improve the assessment of the situation and to increase the reaction speed of aid organisations.

In close cooperation with the Bavarian Red Cross and all project partners, the German Red Cross has conducted a major exercise to test and evaluate interim results. With the findings from this exercise, the German Red Cross (GRC) was able to scientifically refurbish the topic of social media and digital volunteering and discuss it in the association.

Associated Partners of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement

Crisis communication concept in case of disaster

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Publication series Volume V: "Web 2.0 and social media in civil protection" Part 1. DRK-Service GmbH.

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Video K3 - Project

Reference to needs for action:

K3 refers to “Improved risk communication before and during incidents”.

  • Service-Box K3

    Project partner: Leibniz University Hannover, University of Bamberg, Workers' Samaritan Federation Germany e.V., Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V., e*Message Wireless Information Services Germany GmbH, MATERNA GmbH

    Founding source: BMBF

    Project term: 02/2015 – 01/2018

    Official project description:K3 documentation

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