Content orientation and results:

The research project KOPHIS aims to strengthen the resilience of people in need of care and assistance and their caring relatives in crises, large-scale emergencies and disasters.

The project initiated a support network in the model region Willich in North Rhine-Westphalia comprising authorities and organisations with security tasks, the care infrastructure and civil society actors, such as neighborhood initiatives or senior citizens’ clubs. On the other hand, awareness raising and training concepts as well as support materials for people in need of care and assistance and their relatives were developed.

KOPHIS works in a social space-oriented and participative way. Potential stakeholders were involved in the development of the concepts and materials in the form of so-called “dialogue forums” throughout the course of the project. This ensures that the materials are designed to meet specific requirements.

Publication series Volume VI The vulnerable group "elderly people and people in need of care" in crises, major emergencies and disasters - Part 1. DRK-Service GmbH

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Reference to needs for action:

KOPHIS refers to “Impact of demographic change on civil protection”.

  • Service-Box KOPHIS

    Project Partner: University of Stuttgart, University of Tübingen, Free University Berlin, ZTM Bad Kissingen GmbH

    Associated Partner: County Association North Rhine-Westphalia, Austrian Red Cross, Netherlands Red Cross

    Founding source: Federal Ministry of Education and Research

    Official project description:KOPHIS documentation

    Project term: 02/2016 – 01/2019


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