Heart pressure massage on a doll

First aid courses

You have probably already been in a situation in which you needed the help of a fellow human being. Be it at home, at work, at school or during your free time. It should then be all the more natural for you to help others in emergency situations.

You do not need any previous knowledge for the DRK first aid course. The German Red Cross wants to train as many first aiders as possible because they are absolutely necessary in many areas and emergencies.

At the German Red Cross you will learn in practical first aid courses how you can save people's lives with the simplest of steps. We train you so that you can remain level-headed and calm in such situations, trust yourself and your abilities and always know what is important.

Contents of the first aid course

  • Self-protection and insurance against accidents
  • Help in case of accidents
  • Wound care
  • Dealing with joint injuries and broken bones
  • Burns, heat/cold damage
  • acid burns
  • Poisonings
  • life-saving immediate measures such as recovery and resuscitation
  • numerous practical practice opportunities

"Being able to help properly - is a good feeling!" This course gives you the confidence to provide first aid in almost any emergency at work or at home.

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