Bild von dreckigen DRK Jacken nach dem Einsatz beim Hochwasser 2021


The German Red Cross saves people, helps in emergencies, offers people a community, assists the poor and people in need; holds and monitors the international humanitarian law - in Germany and all over the the world. Discover the diversity of the German Red Cross!

Here you will find information, addresses and contacts in the German Red Cross. As an overall association, we have been around for more than 100 years! The GRC consists of the federal association, 19 state associations, the district associations and local associations as well as the Federation of the German Red Cross Nursing Associations with its 31 GRC Nursing Associations. And we are as part of the largest humanitarian movement in the world!

GRC association structure

The federal association, based in Berlin, has the task of promoting cooperation between its member associations through central measures and uniform regulations. He ensures compliance with the
Red Cross principles and sets association policy goals.

Who we are

As the German Red Cross, we are part of the largest humanitarian movement in the world: self-portrayal, goals, tasks and self-image

Addresses and contacts

Use our address finder to find your local contact person or get specific information on associations, branches and facilities of the German Red Cross.

The German Red Cross has a long and eventful history. You will find all information about this in an appealing way and with a lot of historical data. Our main tasks also include the protection of international humanitarian law (IHL) and its dissemination in Germany. In all our fields of work we depend on the cooperation with strong partners.

International conference

The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement

Humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, voluntariness, unity and universality: with these principles, millions of people give a face to the work of the Red Cross and Red Crescent in over 190 countries.


International humanitarian law in the context of the GRC

It is the task of the Red Cross to disseminate the rules of international humanitarian law so that participants in armed conflicts know and can implement them in an emergency. It is also part of its mandate to demand compliance with international humanitarian law by the parties to an armed conflict.

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