The goal of the research project INKA was the development of optimal solutions for the professional integration of voluntary commitments in the areas of crisis management and disaster control.

The goal of the INKA research project was the development of optimal solutions for the professional integration of voluntary work in the areas of crisis management and disaster control.

The great feature of the INKA project was that the German Red Cross Headquarters was able to win over all relevant actors of honor-based civil protection for the research project. For three years, a solution-oriented dialogue was pursued with all those involved, resulting in a common understanding of innovative volunteering and civic engagement of the future. The results of the project were translated into guidelines for the practice.

Based on the results, the German Red Cross also developed the term “unaffiliated volunteers” and its own definition of this new phenomenon of assistance in German disaster control.

Project structure: Integration of voluntary engagement in crises

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Ungebundene HelferInnen im Katastrophenfall


Publication series Volume I: “The role of unaffiliated volunteers in coping with damaging events” – Part 1 to 3. DRK Service GmbH. 

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“Still attractive in the future: volunteering in disaster control”. DRK-Service GmbH.

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“Committed to disaster control”. Wochenschau Verlag.

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Video INKA - Project


Reference to needs for action:

INKA refers to “Demand-oriented integration of volunteers”.

  • Service-Box INKA

    Project partner:National Network for Civil Society (BBE), University of Stuttgart, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-University of Greifswald, Fraunhofer-Institut for labour economics and organisation (IAO), Fire department Berlin

    Founding source: BMBF

    Project term: 10/2012 – 11/2015

    Official project description:INKA documentation

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